World History
Grade Levels:
9 - 12




Class Time:

Class Description
In this semester, we will study Ancient History, using The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome by Susan Wise Bauer as our text. Students will be required to read from the text each week at home. A typical week will include reading about 6 chapters and about 50 pages. However, this is not as arduous as it sounds. The chapters include maps, illustrations, and inset excerpts of ancient texts. So it is not 50 pages of solid text. See the sample at this link (click on the Hardcover version) to see several chapter examples: It is important that your child commit to doing the reading at home each week, as we will not be reviewing all of the reading material in class. Instead, we will discuss a few highlights from the readings, make connections between various societies we have studied, consider the stories in the context of timeline and influence, and do map work and other hands on activities. Homework other than reading, will include a small amount of written work per week and three essays per semester. Students should expect to spend 2-3 hours per week on reading and homework for this academic high school class. Class assignments will be posted to Google Classroom, and grades will be given.

Are there any Prerequisites?


Class Supply Fee


What class supplies do parents need to provide?
Yes, purchase the book and a binder for notebook.

Will homework be required for this class?
2-3 including reading assignment

Additional Info:

Fee Amount
Class Supply Fee $15.00
Total: $15.00
